Take on Mark-Making at the Mary Rose Museum!

The Mary Rose Museum

Anchored in the Community Create your own eye using the template from Portsmouth artist My Dog Sighs. What does the Mary Rose, and her home city of Portsmouth mean to you? Make your own mark and display it in our graffiti gallery! Look out for the Tudor marks around the museum – how many can […]

Take on your Senses at the Mary Rose Museum!

The Mary Rose Museum

Anchored in the Community Have a rummage in our mystery bags and try to guess the mysterious objects within! Use senses other than your eyes to work out what you think it might be – and what it could be used for! Can you solve our braille wordsearch? They are all words about the Mary […]

Take on a Tudor Song at the Mary Rose Museum!

The Mary Rose Museum

Anchored in the Community Play along with our new song about the Mary Rose using our collection of instruments. Can you make up a new song? Or play some old favourites? Activities will run daily from Sunday, 16th February to Sunday 23rd February, 11am to 3pm daily.

Take on a Doodle at the Mary Rose Museum!

The Mary Rose Museum

Anchored in the Community Create your own Mary Rose doodle – use things you’ve seen round the museum or things that are important to you. Activities will run daily from Sunday, 16th February to Sunday 23rd February, 11am to 3pm daily.

Take On Your Memories at the Mary Rose Museum!

The Mary Rose Museum

Anchored in the Community Create your own memory page recording your visit to the Mary Rose – include drawings, tickets, your favourite artefacts. Can you interview your family about their memories of visiting the old museum or watching the raising in 1982? Activities will run daily from Sunday, 16th February to Sunday 23rd February, 11am to 3pm […]

Take on a Tudor Dance at the Mary Rose Museum!

The Mary Rose Museum

Anchored in the Community Take part in our Mary Rose inspired Tudor “brawl” (that’s a dance, not a fight!). Learn about dances the crew would have known and make up your own moves inspired by the different characters on board the ship.